How To Remove Led Strip Lights (From Wall)
There aren’t any hard and fast rules regarding removing the LED Strip Lights from walls.
For example, if you use the 3M adhesive with your LED strip lights and put them on a durable surface, your LED strip lights are unlikely to be damaged.
But, of course, no one can be 100 percent certain of this.
If you want to know how to remove LED light strips with limited damage, follow the steps listed below:
● Detach your LEDs from their power source. Never mess with live electricity until you’re sure what you’re doing.
● The double sided tape adhesive backing on the LEDs can be heated with a hairdryer. The LED light sticky glue will be softer and easier to remove as a result of this.
Keep in mind that excessive heat over the LEDs might hasten brightness deterioration. It is suggested to use the hair dryer for a few minutes over each section. (Slowly)
● Insert a flat, dull instrument under the LED strip starting at a corner or edge piece, to start the removal. Plastic works best.
● At the same time, slowly move the LED strip away from the surface with your other hand.
● Continue doing so until the LED strip is completely free. Keep in mind to take your time.
● If there is any tacky adhesive residue left on the wall, gently rub it away in small circles with your thumb. In most cases, mild pressure is sufficient to gather the residue.
● If this doesn’t work, use a rag to massage a citrus-based hand cleaner until the glue is gone.
Also try warm soapy water or vinegar water mixture and let the LED strip soak a bit, then remove it.
Do LED Light Strips Damage Walls?
LED lights might pose a problem for those who are living in a rented house. This is because it may be difficult to remove it without harming the fixture and fittings of the wall.
Landlords can deduct some amount from a resident’s deposit if they see some hole or other harm caused to the house. As no one wants to lose their money, this restricts the tenants and limits the chances of alterations to be done to the property.

The damage caused by the LED light strips depends solely on the circumstances. As such, the chances of damage are quite low if some care is taken.
The strength of the adhesive, longevity of paint, the period for which they have been applied, and the weather, are some factors that might affect how effectively LED light strips adhere to a surface.
The usage of LED light strips seems to be an apparent solution to the problem. This is because they can change the look of the space and make it more appealing.
The reason behind this is the adhesive and semi-permanent nature of the strip lights, because of this, they can’t be easily removed when it’s time to take them down.
If you are thinking of buying LED strip lights but are worried about the damage it might cause to the wall; you have reached the perfect place.
This article will help you understand if LEDs can really cause damage to your wall or not and the ways through which you can remove the LED light strips with minimal damage to the wall.
Scroll down and keep reading to get the best technique that will not cause any harm to your wall.
Type of Wall that can be damaged by LED Strip Lights
The fact about interior design is that they are continuously evolving. You can experience this by seeing your choices that have changed over time.
Does anyone else recall pleading with their parents to let them paint their room a bright color?
How do feel about that decision now?
You’re not going to want the same LED strip lights in the same place for the rest of your life. So, after they’ve been installed, how easy is it to peel them off?
How to Hang LED Strip Lights on a Wall
The answer is contingent on the type of surface to which you attach.
It is easier to remove the lights from the surface that is tiled, wood, or plastic. This will not cause any damage to the surface. You can clean the residue of the adhesive that might be left behind.
It is best to put the LED lights on a part of the wall that is not visible, like the footboard, trim, or door trim edge, since you don’t want to see the LED lights directly anyway.
But the wall on which you have placed the strip is painted or raw drywall; then you might encounter some problems as such surfaces are more vulnerable to damage since they are made up of multiple weak layers.
If your surface is wallpaper, you might need a strong glue so that the bond between the two remains strong. When there is a time to take down your LED lights, though, you’ll find it difficult to separate the two components. Your wallpaper will likely tear.
This will be particularly exacerbated if your wallpaper is patterned since any holes will stand out like a sore thumb. Similarly, because the wallpaper is patterned, you won’t hide the damage with paint.
Is it possible to remove LED strip lights without peeling paint?

Yes, the biggest thing in your mind is whether you can remove the LED strip lights without damaging the wall.
This depends on the variety of paint tried and the adhesive strength of the LED. So you must first check out how delicate your paint is.
Paint isn’t durable; it worsens with age and becomes more delicate. As a result, paint that has been on the wall for a long time is more liable to be removed when used with LED lights.
If you are going for new paint, then be informed that it is not an ideal solution. The new paint generally takes around four weeks to cure.
LED lights will become part of the curing process if they are applied to a freshly painted wall.
In short, the bond between LEDs and paint will evolve more powerfully than the bond between paint and wall.
Unfortunately, that isn’t the end of it. Your paint job’s quality will also have an effect. For example, your paint would be compromised if you applied it to dusty, rusted, unprimed, or unclean walls.
LED strip lights will make your paintwork significantly weaker and more vulnerable to damage. The wall itself will be good, but there will be a patch of paint missing.
For additional info, see how to install LED strip lights, or how to restick LED strip lights.
True, LED strip lights are a dream come true for renters and persons who like to regularly change their interior design choices.
Remember, removing LED strips from the wall will be easier if you install them in a corner or hide it under a crown molding strip.
If you are not sure about the technique, you can always go for a patch test. You can keep it for a day before removing it.
After a few days, you can check out if the lights can damage your walls.